Engine Performance

Engine Performance
  1. ECU & TCM Tuning
  2. Stage 1 Performance (Tune) Software - 2.5L (Naturally Aspirated)

    UNI-STG1-Tune-25L - Stage 1 Performance (91 Octane Tune) - 2.5L

    Ships In: With Uniconnect+ or for Local Install

    SKU: UNI-STG1-Tune-25L

  3. More ECU & TCM Tuning
  1. Intake Upgrades
  2. K&N Air Filter for VW 2.5L

    K&N Air Filter for VW 2.5L

    Ships In: 1 Business Day from our Facility

    SKU: 33-2331

  3. More Intake Upgrades
  1. Downpipe & Exhaust
  2. Exhaust Manifold Nut (M8 x 1.25mm)
    was Regular Price897 $0.82 Special Price453 $0.72

    Exhaust Manifold Nut (M8 x 1.25mm)

    Ships In: 1 Business Day from our Facility

    SKU: N90894601

  3. Exhaust Hanger Removal Pliers

    Exhaust Hanger Removal Pliers - WKZ-EXH-HNGR

    Ships In: 1 Business Day from our Facility


  4. More Downpipe & Exhaust
  1. Engine & Transmission Mount Upgrades
  2. Motor Mount Pair, SD, 07K, 5sp

    Ships In: Ships Directly from Supplier

    SKU: 034-509-5017-SD

  3. BFI MK5 / MK6 - Engine Mount Kit - 5 Cylinder - 5 Speed / Tiptronic - Stage 1

    For 2009-2014 Model Years

    Ships In: Ships Directly from Supplier

    SKU: EBFI77-K5-5521

  4. BFI MK5 / MK6 - Engine Mount Kit - 5 Cylinder - 5 Speed / Tiptronic - Stage 2

    For 2009-2014 Model Years

    Ships In: Ships Directly from Supplier

    SKU: EBFI77-K5-5522

  5. More Engine & Transmission Mount Upgrades
  1. Catch Can
  2. BFI Clean Catch V2 - Race Kit - Vent To Atmosphere 2.5L 5-Cylinder

    BFI "Clean Catch" - Crankcase Oil Separator - Vent To Atmosphere (2.5L 5-Cylinder)

    Ships In: Ships Directly from Supplier

    SKU: CCNA005

  3. BFI Clean Catch V2 - Essentials Kit - 2.5L 5-Cylinder

    BFI "Clean Catch" - Crankcase Oil Separator - Essential Kit EK (2.5L 5-Cylinder)

    Ships In: Ships Directly from Supplier

    SKU: CCNA005EK

  4. More Catch Can
  1. Engine Accents
  2. Beetle 2.5L Engine Cover
    was Regular Price897 $174.98 Special Price453 $158.60

    Beetle 2.5L Engine Cover

    Ships In: Backorder

    SKU: 07K103925

  3. R8 Oil Cap (Audi)
    was Regular Price897 $99.99 Special Price453 $90.63

    R8 Oil Cap (Audi)

    Ships In: 2-3 Business Days from our Facility

    SKU: 420103485B

  4. R8 Cooling System Cap

    R8 Cooling System Cap

    Ships In: 2-3 Business Days from our Facility

    SKU: 420121321

  5. More Engine Accents
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